The new German government plans to replace the "Hartz IV" with a "Subsidy for the citizen". Paradigm shift in the law of existential guarantee or inevitable legal adaptation?


  • Maria Pannenberg


After 16 years of conservative-led government under Angela Merkel (CDU), who choose not to stand for re-election, an alliance between Social Democrats (SPD), Greens and Free Democrats (FDP) took office under the new Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). A few months after the election the three-party government signed an agreement titled «Dare More Progress», which defines the future goals of Germany's politics. The contract as well focused changes of the social system. In this context the new government has pointed out that the controversial basic security for job seekers also known as Hartz IV will be modified and renamed as «citizen’s income» (Bürgergeld). The following article sums up the most important points regarding the plans for this social system in Germany.


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How to Cite

The new German government plans to replace the "Hartz IV" with a "Subsidy for the citizen". Paradigm shift in the law of existential guarantee or inevitable legal adaptation?. (2022). Revista De Derecho De La Seguridad Social, Laborum, 31, 147-157.