Access to Social Security benefits for British foreigners in Spain since 2021



As regards health care and access to and recognition of social security pensions, from 1.01.2021, UK nationals resident in Spain were excluded from the Community Regulation on the coordination of social security systems between Member States.

The subject of this article is the emergency legislative measures that entered into force in January 2021, in terms of both the EU regulatory framework (relations based on international law) and the national framework.

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, on the one hand, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (entry into force of the Agreement on 1 May 2021, which establishes social security coordination issues between the European Union and the United Kingdom), and on the other hand, Royal Decree-Law 38/2020 (entry into force on 1 January 2021, which establishes the internal issues between the Social Security Administration and the citizens of the United Kingdom).

In this year of application, problems of implementation and restrictions have arisen in the recognition of benefits, and we are awaiting a bilateral Social Security agreement with the United Kingdom on the matter, without the 1975 agreement (BOE 31.03.1975) being able to resume its validity, as it has been annulled by the Community Regulation on the Coordination of Social Security.

It therefore analyses the new requirements that will be required of such British citizens in Spain for access to health care and pensions from 2021, as well as the problematic issues that have already been pointed out, and which will have to be resolved by the future bilateral agreement on Social Security.


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Estudios Doctrinales

How to Cite

Access to Social Security benefits for British foreigners in Spain since 2021. (2022). Revista De Derecho De La Seguridad Social, Laborum, 30, 91-103.