Universal Basic Income before the Constitutional Court: The Problem of Jurisdictional Delimitation

Regarding Ruling No. 158/2021, of 16 September



The approval of the IMV at the state level has generated great social expectation and, at the same time, enormous political upheaval. This new regulation has given rise to various legal disputes regarding the distribution of powers between the State and the Autonomous Communities. The first of these has been promoted by the Generalitat of Catalonia in relation to the practically null autonomous competences in management matters under the new state regulation. The resolution of this dispute has been offered by SCC 158/2021, of 16 September, although in a questionable way. However, this was only the first constitutional hurdle in the race initiated by the MVI. The second of these controversies is still pending before the CC, this time with respect to the transfer of full competences to the autonomous territories.


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Estudios de Doctrina Judicial

How to Cite

Universal Basic Income before the Constitutional Court: The Problem of Jurisdictional Delimitation: Regarding Ruling No. 158/2021, of 16 September. (2022). Revista De Derecho De La Seguridad Social, Laborum, 31, 125-143. https://revista.laborum.es/index.php/revsegsoc/article/view/577