Decent work and the due diligence proposal of companies promoted by the European Union from the perspective of gender equality and migration



Fair work, gender perspective, migrant workers, due diligence, global supply chains


The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Communication adopted by the European Commission on 23 March 2022 on fair work worldwide for a fair global transition and sustainable recovery in terms of two parameters: the inclusion of a gender perspective in its proposals, and the treatment of migrant workers. In this regard, a study was carried out on the due diligence proposal of companies in the framework of global supply chains, and an analysis was made of whether they integrate the principle of gender equality, as well as the rights of migrants, given that both women and immigrants are groups that are particularly prevalent in these chains. In addition, the paper also addresses the issue of the EU's promotion of legal labour migration.


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Estudios Doctrinales

How to Cite

Decent work and the due diligence proposal of companies promoted by the European Union from the perspective of gender equality and migration. (2022). Revista Crítica De Relaciones De Trabajo, Laborum, 3, 45-61.

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