Recognition of early retirement pension: situation assimilated to discharge, in relation to the STS of 23 December 2022


  • Rafael Álvarez Gimeno


Status assimilated to discharge, benefits, early retirement


In general, to access the benefits of the General Social Security Scheme, art. 165 LGSS (formerly art. 124) requires being registered in the said Regime or in a situation assimilated to that of registration upon the occurrence of the contingency. However, the LGSS establishes specific requirements to cause entitlement to each benefit of the system, which normally implies compliance with additional requirements by the insured party, but may sometimes entail the waiver or relaxation of the aforementioned requirement of registration or assimilated situation. In line with other recent rulings, the STS of 23 December 2022 (rec. 1562/2020) has interpreted in unification of doctrine that in order to access early retirement it is not essential that the person causing it be registered as a job seeker in an uninterrupted manner and is thus considered in a situation assimilated to discharge, as long as it complies with the special requirements provided for this type of retirement.


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Estudios de Doctrina Judicial

How to Cite

Recognition of early retirement pension: situation assimilated to discharge, in relation to the STS of 23 December 2022. (2023). Revista De Derecho De La Seguridad Social, Laborum, 37, 135-142.

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