The gender gap in the study of stem disciplines: causes, consequences and proposed solutions


  • Cristina Ramírez Bandera Universidad de Málaga


STEM disciplines, stereotypes, gender gap, women underrepresentation, unconscious bias


In Spain -and in most countries around the world- it is possible to observe that the proportion of women who study STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics, for its acronym in English) is lower than the number of men who specialize and dedicate their professional careers to these areas. In the present study, we intend to undertake an analysis of the causes and consequences of this empirical regularity, presenting the main explanations given about the matter and discussing whether these divergent interests are the result of innate biological differences between the sexes or if, on the contrary, they are based on multiple stereotypes and unconscious gender biases that persist in our society, as indicated by the most recent lines of research in this regard. Finally, solutions will be proposed to mitigate this problem and contribute to creating a future in which women, by their dedication to the scientific, mathematical and engineering fields, can also lead the technological and digital transformation that is changing the world as we know it.


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How to Cite

The gender gap in the study of stem disciplines: causes, consequences and proposed solutions. (2023). Revista Crítica De Relaciones De Trabajo, Laborum, 9, 93-115.

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