On the report ‘Projections of Public Spending on Pensions in Spain’ and the debate sparked around it


  • Luis Gómez Rufián
  • Daniel Pérez del Prado


pensions, sustainability, reforms


This article takes as its pretext the debate generated around the publication of the “Projections of Public Spending on Pensions in Spain” report by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migrations (MISSMI) to delve into the world of projections and their deviations. With this, we believe we can also contribute to this debate, as determining how “optimistic” or “pessimistic” we have been in relation to the past can be useful in calibrating the degree of adjustment to the hypothetical future reality of pensions.
To do this, after reviewing the main changes introduced by the 2021-2023 pension system reform, highlighting precisely that innovative element we mentioned, the introduction of the perspective of income as opposed to the previously monothematic approach through expenditure, we will emphasize the essential elements of scientific reactions to the publication of the mentioned report or, if preferred, the first steps in the scientific debate on this specific matter after the new scenario opened by the reforms. Based on this, we will focus on the main works published in the period 2011-2021 to assess how closely the projections made at that time approached reality and if there is any bias in this regard.


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Economía y Sociología de la Seguridad Social y del Estado Social

How to Cite

On the report ‘Projections of Public Spending on Pensions in Spain’ and the debate sparked around it. (2023). Revista De Derecho De La Seguridad Social, Laborum, 37, 225-249. https://revista.laborum.es/index.php/revsegsoc/article/view/842

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