Date of the Causal Event of the PD in case of a grade review. Implications for maternity allowance. The STS 4 October 2022



causal event, permanent disability, review, maternity supplement


One of the controversial cases of the application of the maternity allowance has been that of people who were recognised as having a permanent disability before 2016, but who subsequently had their grade of disability revised. In this case, the controversy focuses on whether the supplement is applicable because the economic effects of the review are based on the date of the decision of the review; or on the contrary, in the case of a review, the causal event remains on the date of the initial decision. The TS unified its doctrine with the STS of 4 October 2022, rightly stating that the supplement is only applicable if the causal event occurred before 2016, and in the event of a review this causal event does not coincide with the date of the economic effects of the review.


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Estudios de Doctrina Judicial

How to Cite

Date of the Causal Event of the PD in case of a grade review. Implications for maternity allowance. The STS 4 October 2022. (2023). Revista De Derecho De La Seguridad Social, Laborum, 34, 89-98.

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